Everyday Habits that Drain our Energy 4/10

4. Gossiping

To not gossip is tricky.

What is the definition of gossiping?

“casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, typically involving details that are not confirmed as being true.”

I feel like gossip is when you are sharing information with ill intent.

I think there is a difference between gossiping and processing.

I think we all need to talk to people and process things that happen to us.

Gossip is more conspiratorial.

There is something in the tone, trying to get other people involved.

When is it necessary to share something that upset you and you need to process?

When you are directly involved it is not gossip.

As a therapist, I take confidentiality very seriously.

I do uphold the conversations I have with my clients as being confidential.

Having people trust me is really important so I would never share personal information.