Everyday Habits that Drain our Energy 4/10

4. Gossiping

To not gossip is tricky.

What is the definition of gossiping?

“casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, typically involving details that are not confirmed as being true.”

I feel like gossip is when you are sharing information with ill intent.

I think there is a difference between gossiping and processing.

I think we all need to talk to people and process things that happen to us.

Gossip is more conspiratorial.

There is something in the tone, trying to get other people involved.

When is it necessary to share something that upset you and you need to process?

When you are directly involved it is not gossip.

As a therapist, I take confidentiality very seriously.

I do uphold the conversations I have with my clients as being confidential.

Having people trust me is really important so I would never share personal information.

Everyday Habits that Drain our Energy 3/10

3. Constantly checking social media

I recently got off Facebook.

I feel my brain is healthier.

I hid the facebook app because two weeks ago I was at home on a monday and I kept picking up my phone, and picking it up and picking it up.


I clearly don’t have enough self control to ignore the notifications.

When I hid the app I stopped getting them.

I lived without this for most of my life.

I am old enough to have lived a lot of my life without facebook.

I love posting my nature photos on instagram.

But I no longer want to be part of the social media culture.

Since Facebook decided not to fact check or not do anything about hate speech.

I do not want to be part of that.

PS I feel like it makes me a much better esthetician because I can be fully present.

Everyday Habits that Drain our Energy 1/10

1 of 10 Complaining all the time.

Complaining can be a habit.

We can get in the habit on focusing on the negative of things.

In relation to the skin, we can get in the negative habit of focusing on the things we do not like about our skin.

Instead of focusing on the things we do like about out skin. Or instead of focusing on beauty in general.

A few things I do to pull myself out of the negativity loop is:

  • Enjoy a good cup of coffee.

  • Go for a walk.

  • I remind myself that there is beauty in the world.

  • Listen to good music that makes you feel something.

  • I have, lately, been treating myself to fresh flowers once per week.

Peels: Less is Better.

I think it is interesting that all of the peels are called Chemical peels. They are made from fruit. The sugars from fruit make up the chemicals!

Chemical peels can be light, medium or deep. Differentiating between the peels depends on the ingredients and their percentage that are used. This is a method where a solution, usually and acid, is applied to the skin for a certain period of time. The solution penetrates into the upper most layers of skin creating the skin cells to peel off naturally. When you remove skin cells, the skin makes new cells.

By removing the upper layers of the epidermis you are creating small wounds that the skin repairs. By doing that, you are replacing old cells with new cells. When you slough off the old cells, it can help to remove sun damage, scarring, and fine lines. Of course, as with anything, one peel is not going to magically make everything go away.

I always use the analogy that working on your skin is like exercise for your body. The better you take care of it and the more consistent you are with getting facials and peels, the better results you will have.

There is a caveat to peeling the skin, one in Colorado in particular: most of us are outside all year round! So, that needs to be taken into consideration, if you decide you want to start receiving peel treatments. You do not want to do anything other than a light peel if you are going to be outside after.

Being an outdoor person, I will do light peels on myself and ride my bike a day later. But, I apply sunscreen every two hours.

I think that aggressive peeling can be done in short increments; but, you don’t want to be doing them all of the time.

Light peels can be “glycolic acid peels, AHA (alpha hydroxy acids) chemical peels, beta hydroxy acids, or salicylic acid chemical peels. Glycolic acid, an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) that occurs naturally in sugar cane, is the most common ingredient of light chemical peels.” -https://www.docshop.com › chemical-peel › type-light.

The www.docshop.com also says AHA chemical peels often contain:

  • Glycolic acid (extracted from sugar cane)

  • Lactic acid (extracted from milk)

  • Malic acid (extracted from pears and apples)

  • Citric acid (extracted from oranges and lemons)

  • Tartaric Acid ( extracted from grapes)

“A medium chemical peel removes skin cells from the epidermis and from portions of the upper part of your middle layer of skin (dermis). It's used to treat wrinkles, acne scars and uneven skin tone.” -https://www.mayoclinic.org › about › pac-20393473

Medium chemical peels often contain:

  • TCA (trichloroacetic acid)

  • Higher percentage of glycolic acid, retinol and/or salicylic acid

  • Pumpkin enzyme

Practicing in the scope of my license, I can’t go any deeper than medium.

7 Reasons why YOU need an esthetician in your life.

  1. ADVICE. You would never take advice on your skin from your car mechanic… and vis a vis…. you would never take car advice from your esthetician. Estheticians are licensed professionals and we study skin anatomy and physiology. Having a deep understanding of this knowledge allows an esthetician to have the ability to recognize when you need to see a dermatologist, when an esthetician needs to see you, as well as optimizing your facials to best suit your skins needs.

  2. PROFESSIONAL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE. I am a product nerd and love knowing about all of the ingredients in the products I sell and use. I can recommend the best products for you to achieve your skin care goals at home.

  3. WELLNESS AND STRESS RELEASE. All my facials include at least one stress relieving technique such as gua sha massage, lymph drainage, or led light therapy.

  4. MEDICAL FACIALS. Microderm abrasion, micro-current, LED light, nano needling, and lymphatic drainage are all specialized medical modalities that help your skin be at its optimal health.

  5. BEING AN EDUCATIONAL PARTNER. I continue my education so that I can pass on the most up to date research and information in the esthetics world.

  6. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR YOUR LIFESTYLE. With both services and products that fit what you as the client need, I am here to help guide you in caring for your skin. You can ask me anything about your skin. I will do my best to give informed advice.

  7. FRIENDS FOREVER. The bond we create while you are on the table goes beyond skin care and towards self care. Allowing yourself this time to nurture your skin not only helps you look younger, it keeps you feeling younger as stress and worry falls away. Our connection is important to me.

PROFESSIONAL PRODUCTS -vs- Over the Counter Products

Why use Professional Products vs Over The Counter.

What is the difference between $40 moisturizers and $10 products?

The over the counter products are made in large batches.

This means they are made for the mass market and general consumption.

The products are intentionally made to have a lower risk of irritation and in doing that they have a much lower amount of actual effective ingredients in them.

In a nutshell, they have less active ingredients and more filler.

This reduces the cost but also reduces the effectiveness and quality.

For example, ULTA sells a hyaluronic acid serum where the hyaluronic acid is listed as the 11th ingredient. This means it doesn’t have a very high concentration. *Denatured alcohol is the 3rd ingredient.

One of the hyaluronic acid serums I carry has it is the 5th ingredient. And, it is way cleaner. With less preservatives and more hydrating ingredients. It has aloe and jojoba oil. And, it is also a plant based hyaluronic acid.

Having a licensed esthetician, who you see regularly, can help you choose the right products. A professional can also help you determine what product will help you address specific skin issues.

PS I am a skin ingredient nerd. If you have questions about ingredients and what they do, please email me.

A quick reminder about sun safety🌞

We are in the height of summer and I don’t know about you guys; but, I start to get little lazy about wearing sunscreen.

“Most skin cancers are caused by too much exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light. UV rays are an invisible kind of radiation that comes from the sun, tanning beds, and sunlamps. UV rays can damage skin cells.” -https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/skin/basic_info/sun-safety.htm

UV rays are strongest from 10 am to 4 pm.

Protection from UV rays is important all year, not just during the summer.

Sunscreen is the obvious way to protect your skin from the sun.

I like to use the hydro-peptide, Solar Defense, tinted SPF 30 for my face. And, for my body I like ALBA sport 45, because I think you should save your money for your facial sunscreen and use the lesser expensive on the body.

Some other ways to protect yourself from sun exposure is to:

  • Stay in the shade

  • Wear UV clothing whenever possible

  • Wear a hat when hiking or walking

  • Use sunglasses to protect your eyes

Check the UV index especially in Colorado. Because we get a lot of sun exposure here. And, cloudy skies are not a free pass to not apply sunscreen.

Not getting enough VIT D is also NOT a reason the skip sunscreen.

And, don’t think you can skip the sunscreen because you are sitting inside working on the computer all day.

Our devices emit short wave blue light rays which are very damaging to the skin.

I’d like to end with some good news with skin cancer rates.

Coloradans can congratulation themselves. We have fallen to the bottom of the list for skin cancer.

So, we are doing something right.

Don't underestimate the healing power of facial massage

In our modern times, anti-aging is associated with the use of medical modalities. And, medical modalities have their place in the anti-aging umbrella. But, so does good ‘ole fashioned hands on healing massage.

Facial massage increases blood and lymphatic flow to the face to relieve muscle tension as well as increasing circulation in the skin.

Increased circulation helps with overall health and appearance of the skin as well as creating a deeply relaxing experience.

Booking regular facials can improve the overall functioning and health of the skin helping to slow down aging.

Top 10 Benefits of Facial Massage

  1. Increases blood flow

  2. Increases lymphatic flow

  3. Relieves Muscle tension

  4. Increases circulation

  5. Feeds skin cells nutrition and oxygen

  6. Improves functioning and health of skin

  7. Deeply relaxing

  8. Can reduce headaches

  9. Can help with sinus pressure

  10. Slows Down Aging!