Everyday Habits that Drain our Energy 2/10:

2 of 10 Comparing ourselves to others

Its really hard not to do, right?

It is human nature.

We do it when we don’t feel like we have value.

During covid times, the shut down made me stop wanting to keep up with everyone in Boulder.

So I don’t have the newest greatest pair of boots. So what.

When I stop and reflect what is really important to me, it is always my relationships with people, being able to be in the natural world, and my animals.

And of course having shelter, clean food and water. That is kind of crucial.

And of course, having my health.

But the things that aren’t crucial is having 50 pairs of black shoes.

Everyday Habits that Drain our Energy 1/10

1 of 10 Complaining all the time.

Complaining can be a habit.

We can get in the habit on focusing on the negative of things.

In relation to the skin, we can get in the negative habit of focusing on the things we do not like about our skin.

Instead of focusing on the things we do like about out skin. Or instead of focusing on beauty in general.

A few things I do to pull myself out of the negativity loop is:

  • Enjoy a good cup of coffee.

  • Go for a walk.

  • I remind myself that there is beauty in the world.

  • Listen to good music that makes you feel something.

  • I have, lately, been treating myself to fresh flowers once per week.

When summer is in full bloom, how is your skin?

Been outside a lot? Me too.

Let's talk about how to take care of your skin.

The Colorado sun can be intense. Its 96 degrees as I write this.

If you feel like your skin is being affected by this summer weather we are having, it is not your imagination.

Jumping in the pool is a great way to cool off, but the chlorine can dehydrate your skin.

And applying multiple of layers of sunscreen is important but it can lead to blackheads and blemishes.

And of course there is the issue of getting sunburns and more pigmentation.

Getting a facial can help alleviate blackheads, blemishes and dehydration.

And daily topical vitamin C is your best defense against pigmentation.

Book with me to keep your skin radiant this summer.

As always,

Live In Beauty.

Sasha Milhous

PS Stay hydrated. Get regular facials and wear SPF 30 or higher.

"The way I see it. If you want the rainbow you gotta put up with the rain."

- Dolly Parton


I have been thinking about the beauty of the natural world a lot lately.

I have been taking a lot of pictures. (see flowers below)

I think uniqueness is beautiful. I thinks gaps in people's teeth are beautiful. Interesting freckling... The uniqueness of eye color...

I even find scars beautiful.

I don't know. I just find unique perspectives beautiful.

There is something here.

What is beauty?

What do you want it to be?

Does getting a lash lift help you feel beautiful?

Does getting a facial and walking out glowing make you feel beautiful?

Does getting your feet rubbed making you feel beautiful?

Does wearing a cute pair of dangling earrings make you feel beautiful?

I wanna know! So, comment with your definition of beauty.

OR, Come see me and TELL me what makes you feel beautiful!

"The best way to capture moments is to pay attention.

This is how we cultivate mindfulness."

- Jon Kabat-Zinn

Thinking about anti-aging

I started thinking about aging and I starting thinking about what that means.

Personally, to me, what is 55 now? What is 65?

I am 55 and do I have crows feet, yes? Is my body changing a little bit, for sure?

But, I also feel like I am young on a lot of levels.

In some ways getting older has power, right?

You learn more of who you are who you want to be in the world and who you want to put your energy into.

It is easier to say no.

All my thinking about this has brought me to looking into how I approach this subject in the treatment room.

How, I take a holistic approach to my facial treatments by creating facials and use modalities that help stimulate collagen and elasticity.

By doing lymphatic drainage to help facilitate your bodies natural healing process.

By using guasha to help tone muscles and create circulation as well.

I am turning 56 in three weeks and I have a gift for you, my newest facial cleanser concoction.

Come in and experience this rich, moisturizing, organic, preservative free cleanser.

Book soon while supplies last.

As always,

Live In Beauty.

Sasha Milhous

“Beauty and love are as body and soul.” -Rumi

Q and A: What can I do for skin pigmentation?

What can I do for skin pigmentation?

Start by using a vitamin C serum and sunscreen combination everyday.

The pigmentation you are seeing today was damage that occurred up to 10 years ago.

Its a slow process of helping to lighten the pigmentation.

In my scope of practice I can do LED light therapy and peels which all help lighten pigmentation.

Vitamin C helps effectiveness of sunscreen by helping UVA and UVB rays from penetrating as deep into the skin.

Fall Weather Can Bring Chapped Lips

I love fall... the colors, the changing leaves, apples, warm spices and sweaters.

But it also brings dryer weather and chapped lips.

Our lips are constantly exposed to the elements.

Dry air, wind, hot and cold temperatures can cause our lips to chap... as well as cumulative UV exposure.

Thinking about this problem inspired me to create a lip treatment that I will be adding to my facials starting in October.

As many of you know, I am enrolled in a formulations program.

So, I am formulating a sugar and honey lip scrub with olive oil and lemon. AND a lip mask with rose and hyaluronic acid!

These are only going to be available in October.

They are 100% preservative free.

I am making them per treatment!

I saw a moose last week!

It made me think about how much determination and courage it takes to be a solo esthetician entrepreneur.

Moose represent strength, determination and tenacity.

How does this relate to my practice?

Reading the moose medicine card made me think of all of you...

  • Having the courage to learn new things and bring it to the treatment table.

  • Having the perseverance to keep showing up and the desire to bring the best treatments for each of you.

New tool to my ever expanding list of services:


Reiki is energy work.

“It is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing.

It was discovered by Mikao Usui in March 1922. Reiki is practiced by ‘laying on hands.’” -Hayashi Healing Guide

Practices like these have been around for thousands of years. 

Reiki is a very simple yet powerful technique that will enhance your facial and/or massage.

Reiki means Universal Life Force Energy.

Reduce stress and enhance healing by encouraging a healthy flow of energy.

Which SPF should I use?

30? 50? SPF?

The American Academy of Dermatology recommends using sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. This blocks 97% of UVB rays.

An SPF higher than 30 gives you limited amount of return.

An SPF 50 doesn't give you 50 times the protection.

It gives you a minimal amount more than the 30.

So sticking with the 30 is sufficient.

You just have to keep reapplying.

Especially if you are out exercising you should reapply sunscreen every 2-3 hours.

Reply to this email if you want recommendations for brands I like!