5. Taking things personally
What are some examples of taking things personally:
When someone cuts you off in traffic.
Being laid off.
When someone is cranky.
It is usually that mirror. Where someone is projecting or I am projecting onto another.
Not taking things personally is really when something happens and it doesn’t have anything to do with you.
No one else’s actions really have anything to do with us at all.
This is a hard one.
It is really hard to not take things personally.
Is taking things personally all ego?
I am sitting here thinking that it is our ego getting in the way.
I think it probably is.
And what is the ego?
It can help protect us at times.
But when we think enlightenment, it is to not have an ego.
Being an energetically sensitive person, its even harder. For example when you feel people’s energy shift.
It is a continuous practice of working with that ego.
"Don't waste yourself in rejection, not bark against the bad, but chant the beauty of the good." -Ralph Waldo Emerson