When summer is in full bloom, how is your skin?

Been outside a lot? Me too.

Let's talk about how to take care of your skin.

The Colorado sun can be intense. Its 96 degrees as I write this.

If you feel like your skin is being affected by this summer weather we are having, it is not your imagination.

Jumping in the pool is a great way to cool off, but the chlorine can dehydrate your skin.

And applying multiple of layers of sunscreen is important but it can lead to blackheads and blemishes.

And of course there is the issue of getting sunburns and more pigmentation.

Getting a facial can help alleviate blackheads, blemishes and dehydration.

And daily topical vitamin C is your best defense against pigmentation.

Book with me to keep your skin radiant this summer.

As always,

Live In Beauty.

Sasha Milhous

PS Stay hydrated. Get regular facials and wear SPF 30 or higher.

"The way I see it. If you want the rainbow you gotta put up with the rain."

- Dolly Parton

How to Keep your Skin Routine Simple and Effective

Do you wash and moisturize your face every morning and night?

In the morning!

Cleanse: This is essential to keeping skin looking radiant and healthy. Cleansing the skin in the morning helps to wake you up and freshen your skin. Cleansing helps maintain proper pore size. This is because you are removing the oil and the pores are not getting as clogged.

Exfoliate: This can be as simple as using a wash cloth when you cleanse. This will remove the very top skin cells. Leave the deeper exfoliating for your facial treatments.

Serum: I always recommend a vitamin C serum in the morning for all skin types to prevent sun damage and increase collagen and elastin production.

Hydrate: Use the right moisturizer for your skin type. If you are unsure of what that is, ask your esthetician.

Protect: Use a sunscreen every morning even if you live where it is cloudy all day.

At night!

Cleanse: Cleansing your skin in the p.m. helps remove dirt, oil, sunscreen and makeup.

Treatment Product: This can be a retinol based product or a peptide serum. The retinol feeds the skin cells vitamin A which helps with anti-aging. Some peptides help anti-aging while others help with hydration.

Moisturizer: Use the appropriate moisturizer for your skin type.

Oral Health affects the Skin?!

Think that brushing and flossing your teeth is only good for your oral hygiene?

According to most dentists, oral health affects the appearance and health of your skin.

The bacteria that builds up in your mouth affects your skin. If you are noticing breakouts around your mouth or lower cheeks, it could be related to your teeth and gums.

Imagine if you have a cavity or gum disease, and every time you swallow, where does that go?

Do you floss?

Flossing your teeth is proven to be beneficial to your skin. It can even help prevent breast cancer and heart attacks.

If you are concerned about aging, you want to have regular dental check ups and a flossing routine.

We all know Sugar is connected to cavities. It is also connected to inflammation and affects on our Good bacteria/ Bad bacteria balance.

P. acnes, propionibacterium, the bacteria most often found in pimples is Propionibacterium acnes is “a facultative anaerobic Gram-positive bacterium present on human skin as part of the normal flora, as well as in the oral cavity, large intestine, conjunctiva, and external ear canal,” according to https://journals.asm.org › ... › Vol. 54, No. 4).

So, go to your dentist twice per year, and brush twice per day, and floss everyday. See if you notice a difference in your skin.

7 Reasons why YOU need an esthetician in your life.

  1. ADVICE. You would never take advice on your skin from your car mechanic… and vis a vis…. you would never take car advice from your esthetician. Estheticians are licensed professionals and we study skin anatomy and physiology. Having a deep understanding of this knowledge allows an esthetician to have the ability to recognize when you need to see a dermatologist, when an esthetician needs to see you, as well as optimizing your facials to best suit your skins needs.

  2. PROFESSIONAL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE. I am a product nerd and love knowing about all of the ingredients in the products I sell and use. I can recommend the best products for you to achieve your skin care goals at home.

  3. WELLNESS AND STRESS RELEASE. All my facials include at least one stress relieving technique such as gua sha massage, lymph drainage, or led light therapy.

  4. MEDICAL FACIALS. Microderm abrasion, micro-current, LED light, nano needling, and lymphatic drainage are all specialized medical modalities that help your skin be at its optimal health.

  5. BEING AN EDUCATIONAL PARTNER. I continue my education so that I can pass on the most up to date research and information in the esthetics world.

  6. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR YOUR LIFESTYLE. With both services and products that fit what you as the client need, I am here to help guide you in caring for your skin. You can ask me anything about your skin. I will do my best to give informed advice.

  7. FRIENDS FOREVER. The bond we create while you are on the table goes beyond skin care and towards self care. Allowing yourself this time to nurture your skin not only helps you look younger, it keeps you feeling younger as stress and worry falls away. Our connection is important to me.

Moisture Vs Hydration


Everyone wants hydrated and moisturized skin.

But, what is the difference?

A lot of us think those words are interchangeable. They’re not. They mean two different things.

Water helps skin stay healthy, smooth and radiant. Drinking water is still the best way to hydrate the skin.

Hydration is also achieved by absorbing the water in your environment.

If your skin is dehydrated, it lacks water and must be hydrated.

If you have dry skin, it means it is lacking OIL and means it must be moisturized. (A facial can determine which one or possibly both that you may have.)

You may want to use a moisturizer and a lovely facial oil like the Blossom facial oil i just created.

Using a hydrator for the skin like hyaluronic acid, my favorite, or a product with aloe & honey are ingredients that pull moisture from the environment into the skin. These are called humectants.

Facial oils help to seal in other ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, when applied on top of serums and moisturizers. 

Facial oils are not humectants… not mega face moisturizers, instead they seal the skin, forming a protective layer.

REMEMBER: Moisturizers help with hydration levels in the skin and Facial Oils help keep that moisture in.

A facial oil can be tremendously helpful for people living in dry climates such as Colorado.

As always.

Live in Beauty,


Crabapple blossom in my neighborhood

Crabapple blossom in my neighborhood