What is a sugarist?

A sugarist is someone who uses sugar for hair removal instead of wax.

Sugaring is similiar to waxing in the sense that it removes hair.

Sugaring is a more environmentally friendly form of hair removal. You use just one ball of sugar when sugaring someone so there is a lot less waste.

It is made out of sugar, water and lemon juice and is heated until it is a candy like consistency. The lemon juice makes it smooth.

Sugar is gentler than wax because when you use wax, wax sticks to the skin. Sugar doesn’t adhere to the skin. So after, your skin feels soft and smooth and hair free.

Sugar in itself is a natural exfoliant. So you are gently exfoliating the dead skins cells at the same time a removing hair. (Think: a light peel for the skin on your body… which is an alpha hydroxy effect.)

It is also the traditional Persian method of hair removal.

To summarize sugar is a more gentle and effective way of removing hair over waxing.

Love is in the air!

Valentine's day is a week away. It got me thinking about self love... which I have talked about before.

Self love affects our skin health, our emotional health and our overall sense of well-being.

If you are stressed out or having a lot of emotions come up, it can show up on your skin a week later.

It definitely does for me.

I'll get a break out and I know it is directly related to how I was feeling the week before.

Which is a good reminder to know that even in the moment the uncomfortable feelings and pain might seem like it is going go on forever. But those feelings DO pass.

What would make you love your skin?

A new facial product?

A nice long facial massage?

A hot bath with a facial mask on?

I give you permission to have some chocolate and red wine for your skin. They are anti-oxidants after all!

As always...

Live in Beauty,


Jumpstart your gratitute

This year has been rough.

A lot of things going on in the world and sometimes it is hard to remember to take some appreciation out for what I have.

I have gotten away from taking time to be grateful lately.

So I was thinking about inviting everyone to join me in a journaling gratitude practice if you’d like to.

For 21 days, starting every morning journaling for just 5 minutes.

Here are some examples of things I am going to be journaling about:

  • the favorite part of my day

  • my cats & dogs

  • favorite experiences

  • 5 things I love about my skin and body.

Thank you to all of you amazing people for continuing to be in my life.

Emotional Resilience

Emotional Resilience

I think that having emotional resilience is the ability to be able to process and let things go quickly.

Like if you get a flat tire and you are rushing out of the door!

Being able to deal with it quickly and move on with your day is emotional resilience.

Being able to not let the flat tire affect the rest of your day or affect the people around you is resilience.

Not that we don't all hang onto some things longer than we should.

The holidays are fun and joyful. And, they can also bring unexpected stressors.

Having good boundaries and self resilience can help us deal with the unexpected stress that pops up in life.

I am here to help you build your emotional resilience by taking some time out for yourself.

Come lay down on my table and take a nap.

This or That?

If you asked me to choose between Lymphatic Drainage Facials and Microdermabrasion, I would say, "Why not both?"

So, instead of having to choose between one or the other, I invite you to give yourself the gift of ALL of the choices that feel good to you.

You can have it all.

Can't decide between a massage or facial? Book me for both.

But if you DID have to decide, reply with which self care choices you would make from the image below.

Book an appointment, to have it all.

Where the heck did summer go?

Because I would really like to know.

It's getting cooler. For sure.

What happens to the skin during season changes?

During cooler months, the skin doesn't shed as quickly. This can make your skin dryer and duller.

Temperature and humidity changes can change the hydration level of your skin.

Now would be the time to consider using a retinol product of you are not already.

Add on microdermabrasion to the facials you are receiving.

Start using a heavier moisturizer at night.

Consider adding a facial oil if you have never tried one. {I make a really nice one. Text me, if you want me to make you one.}

Book an appointment, to ease transitions from Summer to Autumn.

Your energy introduces you before you ever say a word.

This world can be really draining and depleting.

I have been the weight of the world as well.

But, I want to share with you that every time I walk through my office door, it grounds me.

It makes me feel good when I leave at the end of the day.

That I have touched people in a meaningful way.

What are some things you do to shift your energy?

Dancing it out always helps me. And, playing with my crazy puppy!

On a fun and lighter note, I am going to start using crystals in my practice to help ground us all.

If you have some favorite crystals you would like me to use, let me know. And, I will bring them in.

Summer Reminder to Wear your Sunscreen

One of my clients proudly told me she finally started wearing sunscreen everyday.

I asked her what motivated her.

She said she finally found a product that felt good on her skin.

Do you wear sunscreen everyday?

And, if you do, what brand do you prefer?

And if you don’t, why don’t you?

Wearing sunscreen is the best way to prevent aging, sunspots and skin cancer.

So, this is your friendly reminder to wear your sunscreen everyday.

Especially, in Boulder where we are.

A mile closer to the sun!!!!

Support your Local Nano-Business

I was riding my bike doing errands when I passed a sign that said, “Facial $79.49.”

Places that have low prices advertised add on for every item. But, in the end you end up potentially paying more for the same services; and, that gets under my skin (pun intended).

This dilutes the market and makes it so services that a nano-business esthetician or massage therapist is not valued. 

I can do an excellent custom one hour facial for $95. That includes an enzyme exfoliant, facial massage, head massage and hand massage. I don’t charge extra for the extra TLC. 

That’s my two cents! Take it or leave it.

Why support a local small business or better yet Nano-businesses?

  • Local businesses are more likely to utilize other local businesses such as banks, service providers, and farms.

  • For every $100 you spend at local businesses, $68 will stay in the community.

  • Independent retailers return more than three times as much money per dollar of sales to the community in which they operate than chain competitors. Independent restaurants return more than two times as much money per dollar of sales than national restaurant chains.

  • Small businesses employ 77 million Americans and accounted for 65% of all new jobs over the past 17 years.  

Support Local Small Businesses

How to Keep your Skin Routine Simple and Effective

Do you wash and moisturize your face every morning and night?

In the morning!

Cleanse: This is essential to keeping skin looking radiant and healthy. Cleansing the skin in the morning helps to wake you up and freshen your skin. Cleansing helps maintain proper pore size. This is because you are removing the oil and the pores are not getting as clogged.

Exfoliate: This can be as simple as using a wash cloth when you cleanse. This will remove the very top skin cells. Leave the deeper exfoliating for your facial treatments.

Serum: I always recommend a vitamin C serum in the morning for all skin types to prevent sun damage and increase collagen and elastin production.

Hydrate: Use the right moisturizer for your skin type. If you are unsure of what that is, ask your esthetician.

Protect: Use a sunscreen every morning even if you live where it is cloudy all day.

At night!

Cleanse: Cleansing your skin in the p.m. helps remove dirt, oil, sunscreen and makeup.

Treatment Product: This can be a retinol based product or a peptide serum. The retinol feeds the skin cells vitamin A which helps with anti-aging. Some peptides help anti-aging while others help with hydration.

Moisturizer: Use the appropriate moisturizer for your skin type.